Localizing/Translating from a Template

If your account provides access to Template modules in the Templates tab, you can copy these to your Modules section, and then edit them as you see fit for your local business’s needs. You can then also create translated versions of these modules (see sections on Translating modules).

First, to create a module from the Templates section:

  1. Click the Templates tab.
  2. Find the module you want to localize, edit or translate, and click the menu icon in the upper right and select “Copy to Modules”.
  3. You will now be returned to your Modules section, and the module will appear in your list with “New…” at the beginning of the title. This is now your Module, and you can change it however you want. It will not affect the original Template.
  4. Use the Module Settings to adjust the title (e.g. to remove “New” from the title), and click Save.

 translating a module.